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1 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 5:25:27am

"just hours after play turned to death"

Who are these people? High school drama students?
Does anyone here buy this story?

2 DistantThunder  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 5:32:30am

"mom, Dad, I know it's a war zone but can't I please play outside?"

3 anat  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 5:36:16am

CNN is despicable in its coverage for the use of human shields. This is how they word it in this article:
"His brother, Mahmoud and his 14-year-old cousin Ahmad, had been allowed to play on the roof after days of being cooped up inside as Israel continued its assault on Gaza."

4 gaby  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 6:18:55am

Let me guess. The boy's last name was Al-Dura.

5 STiHunter  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 7:01:08am

Why would the parents let their children play on the roof of the house during a war? Just because there hasn't been any bombs around the house doesn't mean the war was over. Although I feel horrible for the families loss, it was their fault for letting their kids out in the middle of a bloody war. How stupid can you be?

6 kutabeach  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 7:46:47am

The roof sure didn't look like it was hit by a rocket - wouldn't there be more damage?

Maybe it was an errent mortar, fired from, dare I say it, HAMAS?

7 Last Mohican  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 8:45:54am

I'm no military expert, but I am a doctor, and this video is bullshit. The chest compressions that were being performed at the beginning of this video were absolutely, positively fake. The large man in the white coat was NOT performing CPR on that child. He was just sort of tapping on the child's sternum a little bit with his fingers. You can't make blood flow like that. Furthermore, there's no point in doing chest compressions if you're not also ventilating the patient somehow. In this video, I can't tell for sure if the patient has an endotracheal tube in place, but you can see that there is nobody bag-ventilating him (a bag is actually hanging by the head of the bed), and there is no ventilator attached to the patient. In a hospital, during a code on a ventilated patient, somebody would probably be bagging the patient during the chest compressions. And they also would have moved the bed away from the wall, so that somebody could get back there to intubate the patient and/or bag him. In short, the "resuscitation scene" at the beginning is fake, and it's a pretty lame fake at that.

So the question is, were they re-enacting the resuscitation scene by repeating their actions on a corpse, because the child had died earlier? It's likely that the answer is no, that child is still alive, and is just an actor pretending to be a child who was killed. Why do I say that? Because the big guy in the white coat, if he's really a doctor, nurse, nurse's aid, EMT, or any sort of health care provider at all would be entirely aware that tickling the boy's sternum doesn't really look like actual chest compressions. If the boy was dead, the man would have done a more convincing job in compressing the chest. The taps on the chest that he's doing are the sort of thing you see in bad TV dramas, when you don't want to make the poor actor playing the victim uncomfortable by really pushing on his chest. I think the man in the white coat knows this child is actually alive, and is making the simulated chest compressions gentle so as not to hurt the child. My guess is that he assumed the videographer, like those on better TV shows, would have been smart enough not to film as far down as the man's hands on the chest.

If someone can get me a blown-up version of the monitor screen on the wall, I might be able to ascertain whether it's actually connected to anything or not. And is there a longer, higher resolution version of this video somewhere?

I'm actually digging this one up, because it's an egregious fake that should be exposed as such.

8 bj  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 9:09:54am

Maybe jimmah the critter can sell these people a defensive tunnel to play in next time.

9 wrenchwench  Thu, Jan 8, 2009 10:08:52am

Ironic [lack of] editing:

Mashharawi filmed the doctors' efforts to save his brother's life at the hospital; he also captured images of relatives cradling the boy wrapped in a white sheet after his death. Why? Because he said his family wanted the world to see the human toll of the conflict.

Just hours after play turned to death, Mahmoud was laid to rest.

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